Experience the power of
voice-analysis AI technology

The frequency picked up in one’s voice is unique. Just like a fingerprint. Our development in voice-frequency technology perceives emotional indicators such as sadness, fear, loneliness, and can also recognize feelings of love, peace, and confidence.

Vibeonix allows people to tap into the subtle vibrations of their emotional energy, unlocking more insight into their emotional intelligence with each usage.

emotional-intelligence video play
repeat daily
How the Technology Works
  1. Send a 15 Second Audio File: All it takes is 15 seconds of captured audio on any device for emotional-state-based measurement
  2. Vibeonix AI Analyzes the Voice Data: Our AI measures the frequencies of the voice for emotional-state-based results using the proprietary Algorithm IP Technology
  3. Reveal Emotional State Results: Choose which specific emotions you want to reveal, the individual emotional score relative to them, and how you want to showcase these results to help the people you serve
  4. Monitor Enriched EI Data : Monitor aggregate user data to better understand the people you serve in the realms of specific emotions, emotional trends, self-awareness, self-management, and self-expression.
Watch how the emotions of those you serve become their greatest asset.

Vibeonix Voice AI empowers users to:

  • Objectively measure their current emotional state
  • Grow their emotional awareness and overall emotional intelligence
  • Cultivate emotional resilience for greater adaptability
  • Consciously shift behaviors, fostering happier, healthier, and more productive lives while reducing anxiety and depression.
Emotional wellbeing? We have technology for that.
Through our proprietary voice vibration frequency technology, our AI can identify 12+ emotions that can be measured. This is Smart AI!
Self Awareness
Self Management
Self Expression
Measure and track these emotional markers
Positive Stress

How to be Powered by Vibeonix

We integrate our Vibeonix voice-AI with your existing mobile or web-interfaced app to provide you with enriched emotional intelligence data and better help the people you serve.


License Vibeonix API

Integrate with your current technology

Don’t have a web or mobile application?

If you don’t have your own mobile or web-interfaced application to integrate with our API, then license our API and work with one of our trusted partners:


License Vibeonix API

Integrate with your current technology



White Label App

Created with our partner, TalkApps



Partner App

Choose from our featured partnered Apps

Elevate Your Product's Capabilities:
Seamless integration of vibeonix's cutting-edge emotional intelligence AI technology
  • Expand your product offerings: PProvide a powerful tool to improve emotional well-being and boost engagement.
  • Stand out from the competition:Our cutting-edge technology is unique and innovative
  • Enhance customer satisfaction: Experience real-time emotional intelligence analysis and insights, leading to measurable results.
  • Increase revenue: Earn additional revenue by offering specialized emotional intelligence services to your clients.
  • Seamless integration: Use our API integration, with little to no disturbance to your operations.

Grow your capabilities and reach new heights with our cutting-edge voice AI technology.

You're in good company
Vibeonix AI has been tested and refined with thousands of assessments and keeps getting better every day.
12000 +


200 +


24000 +


Use Cases:
Who do we help?

Our solutions span across multiple sectors, including Education, Enterprises, Healthcare, Counseling, Coaching, Non-Profit, and beyond!
Our commitment is to help you support and enhance the lives of those you serve. With access to cutting-edge technology, you can foster their mental and emotional well-being through mindful awareness and practices

Take a look at some others who are Powered by Vibeonix

Company: Personal Growth Studies
PGS already had an in-class SEL learning curriculum. They licensed the Vibeonix API to integrate daily emotion check-ins with each student and offer objective aggregate data to the teachers and schools on the trends of their student's emotions.

Students are improving emotional awareness in the classroom and the school can see objective emotional trends of their students.

Ed Tech

Company: FeelWise App
The objective was to offer a low-cost and accessible mobile tool to help students, families, and teachers collectively understand the current emotional state of the student, what the emotions mean, and how to navigate them, cultivate them, and process them.

FeelWise App was created by working with our partner, Talk Apps, to build a custom white-label app with licensed Vibeonix API and other unique features .


Company: Corporate Company
Their objective was to calibrate workplace methods to employee’s emotional states and increase employee emotional intelligence to strengthen culture, increase productivity, improve communication, relationships, and psychological safety.

By using a partner app, that’s powered by Vibeonix, they are tracking employee emotional trends as a whole and the employees are receiving resources to tackle their specific emotional state.


Company: Ultimind
The chiropractor was looking for an affordable product to help people connect body and emotions because physical adjustments don’t always have long-term results if mental and emotional health and emotional body storage aren’t dealt with.

Ultimind App was created by working with our partner, Talk Apps, to build a custom white-label app with licensed Vibeonix API and other unique features.

Therapy & Counseling

Company: Mend Your Light
Their objective was to do therapy differently, with an app, where “you don’t have to tell us how you feel, we’ll tell you”. With a YouTube reach of over 100k, they wanted to provide a low-cost product to expand their reach and help their clients daily with objective emotional data.

MendedLight App was created by working with our partner, Talk Apps, to build a custom white-label app with licensed Vibeonix API and other unique features.

Vibeonix Platform
Incorporate Emotional
Intelligence in your practice
  • Manage your clients. See the instant aggregate data of your group. Drive meaningful conversations with real-time emotional data.
  • Voice has a resonance that carries information...time to listen!
  • Can you sense your client's anger, yet they are unaware of that present emotion?
  • How often have you tried to help your client understand the fear, loneliness, stress, or confusion that keeps them from feeling better?
  • Vibeonix is a voice assessment that objectively shows your client's present emotion and translates through their voice frequencies.
  • Vibeonix is a conversational app that instantly knows your emotional intelligence score suggesting what you need to shift to achieve your desired state.
How would it change your
practice if you could...
  • Increase engagement from your clients
  • Measure your client’s emotional intelligence and emotional states as they progress through treatment
  • See real-time aggregate data of how effective your treatment is, sorted by customized groups (such as caseloads)
  • Earn a separate revenue stream for clients accessing your system outside of sessions
  • Provide clients who are discharging with ongoing support and access to your digital system
You're in good company
Vibeonix has been tested and refined with thousands of assessments and keeps getting better every day.
12000 +


200 +


24000 +


One app. So many different use cases.

Emotionally intelligent employees have always been the difference for high-performing organization cultures. These skills are the difference between vibrant working cultures and toxic ones.


Follow micro-actions that are designed to build into habits that will improve resilience and increase happiness.


Move faster and further in therapy or coaching sessions by truly understanding your emotional wellbeing.


Through smart data and analytics, AI is transforming the way we see wellbeing industry aims at personalization.


Use self-regulation techniques to improve your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

Social Emotional Learning

Improve self-awareness, self-control, and develop stronger interpersonal skills vital for today’s youth.

Still not sure?

Let us show you how Emotional Intelligence grows by
quantifying personalized and unique emotional data.